Some audience feedback:
“Inclusive and powerful”
"Engaging, funny, music was just fantastic. The whole production was incredible”
“Made this big clown do a big cry! So beautiful and gentle”
“Congratulations on Farmer and Clown. As disciplined and intelligent a piece of work for a young audience as I’ve seen in a while... ” (Kate Cross, Director - The Egg and Chair of ASSITEJ UK)
“The Farmer and The Clown has been created with such care, skill, artistry and talent that like all very special pieces of theatre it stays with you long after the event,...reminding you of how magical an experience theatre can be. I absolutely loved every second of it”. (Sally Cookson, Theatre Director)
"What Flibbertigibbet have created is a beautiful, simple, and charming piece of theatre, suitable for all." ( Bristol 24/7 ). To read full review: bit.ly/3OO3ULQ
Production shots of The Farmer and The Clown by Edward J Felton Videos by Adam Laity
The Farmer and the Clown TOURING IN 2025!
We are beyond delighted to be bringing our beautiful show to venues across the country! We start our tour in March in association with house - housetheatre.org.uk moving up to the North East, finishing back in the South West. Adapted from the picture book by Marla Frazee, this wordless show is suitable for all ages.
Are we coming to somewhere near you? We can't wait to see you!
Tour Dates so far:
30th March Cambridge Junction 11.30 am & 2pm junction.co.uk
1st April The Spring Arts & Heritage Centre, Havant housetheatre.org.uk
2nd April Waterlooville Library, Waterlooville housetheatre.org.uk
3rd April Leigh Park Library, Havant housetheatre.org.uk
4th April Havant Library, Havant housetheatre.org.uk
5th April Riverhouse Barn, Walton on Thames 12pm thelittleboxoffice.com
6th April The Spotlight, Hoddeson 11.30am thespotlightvenue.com
8th April Ropetackle, Shoreham By Sea 11.30am ropetacklecentre.co.uk
9th April South Street Arts, Reading 11.30am whatsonreading.com
10th April Norden Farm, Maidenhead 11.30am & 2pm norden.farm
13th April The Ark, Margate 12.30 am TheArk
15th April The Point, Eastleigh 11.30 am thepointeastleigh.co.uk
17th April Farnham Maltings, Farnham 2pm farnhammaltings.com
19th April The Library Theatre, Leighton Buzzard 11.30am & 2pm LibraryTheatre
22nd April Queens Hall, Hexham 11am queenshall.co.uk
23rd April The Word, Jarrow Library 11am & 2pm theworduk.org
24th April Alnwick Playhouse 11am & 2pm alnwickplayhouse.co.uk
25th & Theatre Hullabaloo, Darlington 26th April 11am & 1.30pm theatrehullabaloo.org.uk
9th May Theatre Porto, Ellesmere Port 10.30am & 1.30pm 10th May 11am & 2pm theatreporto.org
16th May Half Moon Theatre, London 10.30am & 1.30pm 17th May 11am & 2pm www.halfmoon.org.uk
18th May Stage Two, Norwich Theatre 11.30 am & 1.30pm norwichtheatre.org
23rd & 24th May Sterts Arts, Liskeard 11am & 2pm sterts.co.uk
26th May Trinity Centre, Bristol 12am & 3pm www.trinitybristol.org.uk
27th May Moor Imagination Centre, Buckfastleigh 2pm www.moorimagination.org
28th May Drum, Plymouth Theatre Royal 2.30pm & 5.30pm 29th -31st May 11am & 3pm theatreroyal.com
About the show:
An old hard-working farmer lives alone. One day, a baby clown accidentally bounces off a passing circus train and is left in the middle of nowhere, separated from family and friends. A little reluctantly at first, the farmer takes the clown in. As time passes, they discover that by being with each other, they find something new in themselves. Made with consultation from Deaf Access and Visual Language consultants, Flibbertigibbet Theatre has adapted this charming picture book into a new wordless play for all ages. The Farmer and The Clown is a story of unexpected friendship told through physical comedy, dance and performed with an original live soundtrack by JOW.

Babble - A Play With Sound for Early Years audiences, aged 3-5 years is a collaboration between sound artists and theatre makers. Babble is a playful, surreal gentle and intriguing show with collaboration at it's heart.
Listen….gurgles, burble, growls, crackles and crunches – which sounds do you like? Mik and Kin are Sound Collectors. But sounds don’t behave; storms rage in their cages, naughty chuckles slip through the cracks and cause chaos- they need help! Come on a sound adventure. Help soothe the troubled storm with a lullaby or lure the giggle back to its home. Recorded and edited in real time, help transform the soundscape through the creation of a new piece of music. Each audience member will also receive a link to download their music to continue conversations and keep our world filled with sound of children’s voices!
If your venue, school, nursery or community centre is interested, please email Stevie: info@flibbertigibbettheatre.co.uk
"Funny - I want it again!"
"all the children were captivated..."
"Carefully considered, exciting and inclusive"
"That's me! I did this!"
Flibbertigibbet is a theatre company that creates new and varied work for children and their families.
Formed by actor and theatre maker Stevie Thompson the shows focus on exciting collaborations with artists across all artforms.
Flibbertigibbet has been exploring different ways to tell stories.
The company is currently developing The Farmer and The Clown, a new physical theatre show based on the wordless picture book by Marla Frazee, touring 2024.